Fresh and Dry Fruits Paradise


Yes. You have a right to know about your Safety and Privacy. For a detailed explanation, You can refer to our Privacy Policy Page.

SSL Connections

All Our Web Pages are secured through an SSL connection. We use Two-layered SSL Security. From Affecting your Experience from unwanted users and bots, We are using Cloudflare, a Leading security expert industry. We use both server-level SSL and Browser Level SSL Connections.


We Hosted Our E-Commerce site in Google Cloud, which is the Best Secured Host in the World with Seven Layer of Secured environments.


We don’t process any payments on our Website. All payments are made through reputed payment gateways like Google Pay, Paytm, and Razor Pay.


When you log in through Google and Facebook, We don’t collect any sensitive data from your side. We only get token details passed through the “OAuth” provider.

Website Updates and Security

We always stay updated with our platform. We patched our Website frequently. A Special Team takes care of everything in the Security Site. All of your data is safe with us. For further queries, You can ask us at [email protected].